研究项目 1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,12072383,超声速条件下非均匀多孔介质内液体蒸发与多相流动的建模与计算,2021-01-01至2024-12-31,62万元,在研,参与 2. 教育部科技发展中心,装备预研教育部联合基金,6141A02022533,XXXXXXX高能量密度电池新型热管理技术,2019-01至2020-12,100万元,结题,参与 3. 教育部,高校基本科研业务费,17lgjc08,可压缩微纳米粒子多相流的直接数值模拟研究,2017-04至2018-12,20万元,结题,参与 期刊论文 1. Qingyong Zhu, Shuan Lu, Dongheng Lai, Junjun Sun*; Fluid-structure coupling simulation of explosive flow field inheterogeneous porous media based on fractal theory, Fractals-complex Geometry Patterns and Scaling in Nature and Society, 2022, 30(3):2250048. (中科院1区, 通讯作者) 2. Qingyong Zhu, Jinkun Zheng, Junjun Sun*, Fractal characteristics of surface roughness and their effects on laser shock waves, AIP Advances, 2022, 12: 125021. (SCI收录) 3. Junjun Sun, Qingyong Zhu ; Investigation on flow around and through a hygroscopic porous cylinder with consideration of compressibility of moist air, AIP Advances, 2021, 11: 095316. (SCI收录) 4. Junjun Sun, Qingyong Zhu ; A physical model for solving the dredging thermal protection s ystem of hypersonic vehicle leading edge, AIP Advances, 2019, 9: 025203. (SCI收录) 5. Jiamin Li, Qingyong Zhu*; Junjun Sun* ; Study on thermal contact resistance at liquid-solid interface based on fractal theory, AIP Advances, 2021, 11: 125308. (SCI收录, 通讯作者) 6. Q.Y. Zhu, D.L. Zhang, S.Y. Deng, Y.Q. Chen, J.J. Sun. High order compact difference schemes for the complex flow fields in anisotropic porous fibrous media with sorption. Computer & Fluids, 2013, 88: 473-483.(SCI收录) 7. 陈忱, 孙俊俊, 朱庆勇*. 石蜡/膨胀石墨复合相变材料耦合热管电池热管理性能研究, 科学技术与工程. 2022,22(24): 10478-10484. (北大核心收录) 8. 陈忱, 孙俊俊, 朱庆勇*. 相变材料耦合热管传热性能分析. 节能, 2021,40(11):36-40. 专利 1. 朱庆勇,黄锦权,孙俊俊;一种消防装置,2022-10-28, ZL202210170806.X |